All Terain Roadless Wheel Design

Driving can be difficult when you’re living out in the suburbs where road conditions are less than ideal. That is, if you’re reluctant to change your tires for every possible scenario. Fortunately, this may all change with the Roadless tire design.
Designed by Ackeem Ngwenya from Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London, the Roadless tire is a shape shifting road tire that can form into different shapes and sizes to best adapt to any road terrain. The mechanics behind the Roadless tire is based on the scissor-jack mechanism, allowing the wheel to expand or contracts “to give more contact area or better ground clearance”. As you crank the (telescoping) hub up and down the wheel expands or contracts to give more contact area or better ground clearance.
Ackeem was actually supposed to graduate in June, but came short on tuition fees. Instead of paying off his dues by flipping burgers, Ackeem took time off and applied his resourceful knowledge and came up with the idea of the Roadless Tire. The idea was drawn up by witnessing difficulties people had in driving through rough road conditions with limited resource.
Ackeem has started an Indiegogo campaign for Roadless tire. Currently he has successfully raised £5,135 in funds. His work has also gained media exposure on BBC and other news media sites. The Roadless Tire is currently in an early prototype phase and is going under various test to determine whether this design can sustain harsh road conditions. To learn more about his project and his progress, be sure to visit the official Roadless tire project page here.
Miriam’s story from ackeem ngwenya on Vimeo.
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